In 2017, I launched Lynz Education to provide numeracy consultancy support to schools and teachers in Australia. I want to stop the struggle and anxiety in primary maths classrooms by teaching teachers what works, so students can 'get' maths and leave school numerate. I have focused my 30+ year education career on helping students to have a positive experience of learning.
I have taken my research and made it practical for teachers and parents. I'm sharing it in short, easy-to-access, easy-to-apply online courses. The list of courses will continue to grow over time. You may even request a topic if you like. Check out our Online Learning section.
I've also blended my research and experience into teaching resources for classroom use. All students can participate in these activities and with careful questioning, you can extend every student’s maths thinking! Check out my PowerPoint resources for classroom use.
As we know, not all students 'get' Maths easily. One of the reasons for that is that they have not had the opportunity to gain the number sense they need and the mathematical language understanding that develops in parallel with it. I've been researching and trialling number sense interventions for over a decade, and I've developed a one-to-one intensive support program for students that can be individualised to meet the starting point of the students you are working with. Check out the LINDA (Lynz Intervention Numeracy Drill Activities) program in our Lynz Education Resources.
Lynelle Campbell
Director | Founder
2021 - Present
University of Newcastle
Currently, I'm completing my PhD research on developing and assessing the efficacy of a Tier 3 number sense intervention for students at risk of mathematical failure in the early years of school.
2009 - 2011
University of Sydney
I completed a Masters by research on the efficacy of the Number Worlds program to improve the number sense of students in Kindergarten as a Tier 3 intervention.
University of Melbourne
I added a Graduate Diploma in Special Education to my primary teacher training so that I could be prepared with strategies that would work to help all students learn.
Past Presentations
Queensland Maths Teachers Conference
Developing Number Sense
In the Early Years
In the Middle Years
Sharing Best Practice in Literacy & Numeracy
Research confirms that number sense is essential to mathematical understanding…but what is it and how can we teach it?
RIDBC (Royal Institute of Deaf & Blind Children, Renwick Centre – Teachers of the Deaf National Conference
Taking research into classroom practice: Practical applications of effective numeracy instruction for students with hearing loss.
AAMT (Australian Association of Maths Teachers), National Conference (Brisbane)
Co-Presenter: Joyce Tan, RIDBC Garfield Barwick
What impact does a change in belief and practices provide for a student with hearing loss?
A journey of change to improve students’ numeracy results.
Successful Learning Conference (Sydney University)
“Practical applications of effective numeracy instruction for all students: taking research into classroom practice.”
ACEL (Australian Council of Educational Leadership) Disability Leadership Summit
“Using RTI ensures no child is left behind in numeracy”.
K-8 Mathematics Conference, NSW Maths Association
“Number Sense: The Essential Ingredient of a K-2 Mathematics Lesson – Years K-2”
“Number Sense: Essential for Success in Primary and Middle Years Mathematics Classrooms- Years 3-8”.